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edited by Sara Jane Miles and Stephen Martin

Edinburgh 2018

ISBN 978 0 9519791 9 8


The volume offered to Robert Francis Cook by friends, colleagues and former students concentrates on Old French epic and its extensions into other areas of medieval literature and culture.


Stephen Martin and Sara Jane Miles, Preface

Sara I. James and Philip E. Bennett, ‘Robert Francis Cook:  An Appreciation’

Robert Francis Cook:  Bibliography of Published Work

Philip E. Bennett, ‘Epic References in the Poetry of Arnaut Daniel’

Leslie C. Brook, ‘The Salut and the Lay d’Amours of BnF, MS fr. 1104’

Alice M. Colby-Hall, ‘Continuity, Coherence, and Closure:  Andrea da Barberino’s Adaptation of the William of Orange Cycle’

Edward A. Heinemann, ‘Distribution and Combination of the Components of Echo in the Prise d’Orange’

Sara I. James, ‘Chronique Qui Chante ou Chanson Qui Chronique? La Vie Vaillant Bertran Du Guesclin’

Joan E. McRae, ‘A Previously Unknown Alain Chartier Manuscript:  Hatfield House, Cecil Papers 297’

Emanuel J. Mickel, Jr., ‘Old French Crusade Cycle:  History and Chanson de Geste’

Don Alfred Monson, ‘The Editions and Translations of Andreas Capellanus’s De amore’

Leslie Zarker Morgan, ‘Franco-Italian Lexicon:  Problems with ‘l’s’

Evelyn Birge Vitz, ‘Performability in the Cycle of Guillaume d’Orange:  La Prise d’Orange and Le Moniage Guillaume’


Tabula Gratulatoria


“Il fist que proz”: Essays in Honour of Robert Francis Cook

  • The volume offered to Robert Francis Cook by friends, colleagues and former students concentrates on Old French epic and its extensions into other areas of medieval literature and culture.

    190 pp.

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